But it was ok, they knew how to remedy it this time.
When Bellis had his next birthday, the family had the odd feeling Maria was celebrating with them.

Turned out a good looking kid, if he was a girl.

Everybody was feeling Maria's presence.

Ty had difficulty with Bellis's homework. But Dad and son got there in time for Ty to go off to his 'evening job'.
Maria quickly grew a bump, with no morning sickness or backache. Ty checked for candy.

This pregnancy was totally different to the other ones, perhaps the girl Ty wished for?
With all the excitement of the new pregnancy Brachycones birthday arrived very quickly, he like his brother before him was such an easy baby.

He looked just like his brother too.
Children children children, thats all that seemed to happen in the Owens household.

This one didn't quite feel right though, Zebrina wanted to go to the hospital.

So they got a cab.
When Maria and ty left the hospital they where not carrying any babies. But a cradle.

Zebrina Pendula was unsure if she was extremely pleased or extremely freaked out, she was probably both.
The room ready for the baby had to be packed full of cots.

to cope with the 3 (!!!) babies.
Ylang, Yerba and Yucca.
Zebrina celebrated the triplets birth with more body art. Stars and flowers on her back, stars on her ankle, new hair do and snakebites.

These girls where the most needy babies the Owens had ever encountered, and there was 3 of them. Maria spent day and night in the room taking care of their needs. Arctotis moved out cause he could not cope with the crying, it was effecting his top job as superstar athete.

Ty saw to Bracycone to give Maria a break.
Luckily Bellis kept himself busy.

Grandad Torgo is great to play with.
Granma Maria is good for cuddles, and levitating the dinning table.

Bellis met uncle Abutilons girlfriend in the park. She had had their baby, a little boy named Matthew. Bellis thought perhaps she was pregnant again. Having her own children had not made her like kids anymore. Bellis didn't like her one bit.

Uncle Rasheed and auntie Devin are much nicer.

Zebrina Pendula and Ty have been administered birth control, so they can make up till their hearts content.
Zebrina decided to throw a birthday party for the family. It was great to see them all again. Shame they didn't bring their children, perhaps they left them at home safe and sound with their candy. Zebrinas sisters Zinnia and Zea sure had aged some.

Once the guests where settled with their buffet and birthday cake, the family let the triplets blow out some candles.

oh dear

And sweet little Yucca.

What a good girl.

Stupid superstar athlete uncle Arctotis was a bit late for the party.
Thankfully, the girls grew some hair straight away, no one would want Arctotis' hair loss to affect the girls of the family. They where given matching bows each of their favourite colour.

Ylang has grandad Torgos hair, just like auntie Zinnia and uncle Abutilon, with The family blue eyes.

Yerba has the family hair with daddy Ty's green eyes. The first Owen child not to get the blue eyes.

And sweet little Yucca, who has the family hair and her dads plain black locks.
Other known family updates.
Zinnia married Rasheed, and just before the triplets where born gave birth to twin girls Lisette Andrews and Christian Andrews.
Zea married her insane girlfriend Devin.
Abutilon has not married his large girlfriend, but they had a son called Matthew Zepeda.
Amarathus has not married his married pregnant work partner yet. But he has somehow became rich.
Arctotis is still house hunting.
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