Lots and lots of comforting. (so much they didn't even notice the poor lady in labour) Despite all the comforting and how attentive she was to his feelings, he still did not want to talk of marriage.
Never mind, career first, marriage after anyway.
Torgo had really rubbed off on his daughter and she felt the need to brush her teeth and wash her hands multiple times daily.
She had started to wear alot of makeup too. Since becoming a teenager she had began to become quite a flirt.
Maria's paintings where getting so good, the local modern art institute was showing her work.
For an average family, they now had no real money worries, so splashed out on new entertainment for the kids. Simlife Googles, the ultimate in virtual play. Everybody loved it, so realistic.
The realism was alittle too much for aging Torgo though. Simlife Googles should come with an age warning.
The family rushed to his aid.
But it was too late, he was shaking hands with Grim.
They put his urn in the family room.
Zebrina Pendula hoped it was Radio active.
Maria was heart broken without Torgo.
And the children's wails could be heard through out the house for days.
Zea sobbed into the shoulder of her girlfriend. Since her dads passing she knew how important love was in her life.
Unfortunately for her, she has fallen for an insane women, who turned her down even though she wanted to say yes.
The same technique worked perfectly for her perfect sister though. Zinnia was sad her dad had not been there to see them get engaged.
But he visited her that night, and after listening to her play her guitar, congratulated her on her happy news.
Then he played computer games.
The eldest twins had a birthday. Maria still brought them a cake.
But with the passing of dad and the fact that now as adults they had not reached their life goals or started a family, they wanted it quiet.
They had alot of hard work ahead of them.
Zebrinas birthday was somewhat more enjoyed though. Maria had made it to see her youngest become a young adult. Everybody was happy again.
She's not a bad girl, and really blooming artistically.
Whens she's not being evil and neurotic that is.
Maria had made it, her baby was all grown up, later the same day while shopping, she allowed old age to take her.
shame she never got to finish the last painting though.
Or her last portrait. Zebrina Pendula was left to paint herself. But her mood clearly showed though.
She hung it in her bedroom where no one could see it.
It felt like the home was now missing an adult. The kids where alone in their own madness.
With Maria gone, the girls had to sit down and chat. It was a hard talk, but which one of the Owens girls were going to take on the task of family legacy. Who would be the heir?
Zea couldn't handle the whole situation, she yearned to run out side in the open air, to fish the sadness away.
Zinnia felt guilty to admit she had fallen in love with Sam's house, and had already started to pick out new curtains for the nursery she hoped to fill soon.
This upset Zea alittle, who let loose on Zinnia being so perfect, and the eldest, she really should take it on.
But Zebrina calmed them down. She was happy to take on the legacy left to them. She had even decided not to become emperor of evil after all, but be an artist like mum (and a musician as dad so loved to listen to Zinnia play)
"I'll make you proud mum"
The kids buried Maria and Torgo on the grounds, thus beginning the family private graveyard. They had Maria's portraits weather proof and hanged them above their place of rest.
With her new found aim in life, Zebrina Pendula managed gain the inspiration to finish a portrait of herself that she was pleased with. She hung it with the portraits Maria had painted of her siblings.
Maria seemed pretty content with her children.
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