Sunday, 29 May 2011

Sims 3 Legacy challenge week 11

With Zebrina Pendula the heir she was at will to take the large upstairs family bedroom as her own. But it didn't quite fill right to her.

Perhaps because Maria was still using it.
With all her siblings so busy following their hearts and wishes, Zebrina found without Maria and Torgo around she was lonely, and in need ot some action. She took to wandering around the town.
Where she met Ty

It was clear from the start they shared common interests.
No one even noticed Zebrina, they were so busy

She just couldn't get that evil little man out of her bored lonely mind.

Perhaps he was lonely too. Or perhaps he agreed it would be wonderfully evil to get married right now, right here.
And wonderfully evil to celebrate, Maria would have to sleep else where tonight.

He suggested, as the house was already very full and busy, that they should fill it with more trouble. He was also desperate to steal candy from a baby, and what beter way to do so, than to have your own child.
Torgo gave the simlife googles another go.

Zinnia's old boyfriend popped round with some 'interesting' news for her. Things where un easy between the pair, they really had not stopped liking each other though out all these years, but Zinnia was engaged. He had come to tell her that her fiance had just had a birthday without her. That he was now indeed an elder. How could Sam have kept this from her. How could he have lied about his age so.

Abutilon and Amaranthus stopped being quite so young. Without Maria about, they managed to do it quietly and without any fuss, which pleased them just fine. This birthday marked the need from them to 'get a life'.
Ty's evil plan had worked. He soon could steal candy from his own babe.

Rasheed came round alot more in the next few days, to help Zinnia through this hard time. She was dating an old man. Could things gets worse. Just when she was getting to the end of her career, and ready to start a family.

She had to confront Sam. And it was true. How could he have kept quiet.

She was boiled over with anger, and let it all out on him.

She wasn't happy with just ending her relationship, she flew into a rage at him. How could he, he knew she wanted to sort out her career before having children.

Then she really put salt in the wound, and told him she was dating Rasheed again, he doesn't lie.
Of course she then had to run round to Rasheeds house straight after and make it so.

Rasheed had loved her all these years, and was happy to have her back no matter what the circumstance.

Then they got down to doing what they should have done years ago.
Considering his evil doings, Ty took good care of Zebrina (though he found her backache deeply amusing.)

Zebrina Pendula spent alot of pregnant time talking to her self. She claimed she was telling mum about the baby and Ty. Ty put it down to her neurotic traits mixed with hormones.

But Zeb claimed Maria was pleased, so Ty let her have her twitches.
She claimed her dad was uneasy though.

With the bump getting so big the pair excited over all the candy they could steal.
Ty took such good care of her, that Zebrina bought him a little gift. Some exercise equipment for their bedroom. She liked watching him get buff.

After being a homebirth sim baby herself, Zebrina opted to follow in her mother footsteps and have a homebirth for the child sporn.
How deliciously evil.

Though alot more painfull than she expected.
When son Bellis Owens arrived, Ty wasted no time in stealing candy, well pretending to get the baby to hold it, then stealing it. New borns and candy don't really go together well.

To celebrate the birth Zebrina Pendula added her husbands portrait to the family home. He was now indeed part of the family.

During all this commotion Amaranthus has got himself into a bit of a pickle. He has fallen in love with his work partner. But it gets worse, he has fallen in love with his married, pregnant work partner.

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